Saturday, September 29
Love's Resolve: I love You, O LORD, my strength (Psalm 18:1)
Labels: Christian Living
posted by Graciana@Home at 4:45 am
Thursday, September 27
When is it no longer dark?
In Your Presence; Light.
Labels: Christian Living
posted by Graciana@Home at 12:16 pm
Wednesday, September 26
This is not a matter of agreement, it is a matter of obedience. Speaking as a Christian, I am indebted. Speaking as a woman, my hand is not even quite steady in writing this. Don't be afraid, my feelings as a woman would not get in the way or the better of my duty as a Christian, a servant and a friend. It is only as Christian that I am indebted.
Labels: Christian Living
posted by Graciana@Home at 12:13 pm
Tuesday, September 25
Serious Person
Among other things, I am desired to pray that he'd become a serious person in life. What is a serious person?
Labels: Love and Friendship
posted by Graciana@Home at 4:55 am
Monday, September 24
It has to be a happiness to exert ourselves for His service, that if I can do just a little service, I shall feel it like the last gleam of sunshine, falling on the evening of long and cloudy sky. Tis my happiness here and below; not to live without service, not to live without cross. Everyone likes to be left entirely mistress of her own decision. To be consented to her own will. In service one learns to bow to others' will, before one learns to bow to God's will. There will be a time when one consents to bow to God's will of her own free will, not as a favour to others nor herself.
Labels: Christian Living
posted by Graciana@Home at 10:28 am
Sunday, September 23
Hardheadedly I maintained my opinion. It rested, I am well-aware now, on mere assumption. Pardon me for reminding us that our opinion most often rests on mere assumption. To consult to others' experience, we may see the matter under a new light. From this moment, we have decided that I leave off my bad habit. From this moment.
Labels: Miscellaneous
posted by Graciana@Home at 9:50 am
A trumpet-call for more prayers. I feel my own inability to deal with crowds. The present times and positions always appear to be peculiarly dangerous, because they are nearest to our anxious gaze, and whatever evils are rife are sure to be observed. I should have hope--especially for my own soul--in expecting later days.
Labels: Miscellaneous
posted by Graciana@Home at 4:52 am
Thursday, September 20
To My Leaving Off Darkness
I am to be deplored--even the remains of wreck that remain in me. I am painfully conscious of my own deficiency, and painfully anxious, as you might have seen it, to hide it from observation--mine. If only I could have recovered in a complete stance of oblivion as to the past, I would have been a happier man. Perhaps we should all be happier. I felt the misery of friendlessness, all the peril of my dreadful responsibility. For years past, I have suffered from an incurable internal complaint. I dont want any longer to disguise it from you--I should have let the agony of it kill me long since--but now for one last interest n life, which makes my existence somewhat of importance to me still. The latent resources of man, for good or for evil--it is hard to say, at this moment, to say which--they just leap with the suddenness of flash of light. To my leaving off the darkness, the dark I am habitually in: when it is a habit, someone must have no common constitution who can leave it off suddenly without some temporary damage to her nervous system.
Labels: Miscellaneous
posted by Graciana@Home at 8:30 am
Wednesday, September 19
The Past
One's life is not very hard to bear, when she lives as a wreck. It is only when she is taught to be reformed--to feel her own degradation, and to try for better and more noteworthy things, that the days grow long and weary. Sensation of loneliness keeps with her, goes where she goes, does what she might, and sees what persons she might. It is her duty, she knows, to get on with her new place. She does not regret, far from it, having been roused to make the effort to be a reformed woman. But, indeed, indeed it is a weary life.
Labels: Miscellaneous
posted by Graciana@Home at 3:41 am
Monday, September 17
A backpack on a woman's back (mine, I mean) is an emblem of charity. Really;)
Labels: Miscellaneous
posted by Graciana@Home at 9:46 am
Saturday, September 15
Prayer and Work
In the bosom of every child of God, nothing is ever done without prayer. Without prayer, no child can see the glory of God’s work in and through His children.Labels: Christian Living
posted by Graciana@Home at 4:14 am
Thursday, September 13
Faith and Work
Faith alone spurs and encourages work and labour (of prayer and love).
Labels: Christian Living
posted by Graciana@Home at 3:54 am
Wednesday, September 12
Bread and Butter
As forgiveness is for my soul, so is bread to my body. If my soul is made alive and forgiven, what is daily bread for a full stomach to Him. He supplies. The prayer for bread is answered with $1400 credited to my account, praise God--although I have to scratch and scrimpt for the rest of 2007 to make ends meet. He gives my daily bread, I shall not worry. Instead of butter; water will do.
Labels: Miscellaneous
posted by Graciana@Home at 10:27 am
Friday, September 7
I believe what really matters is faith in you and me. True faith can grow only in God--the living God. Have faith in God--faith in God I take and I am thankful that it is mine.
Labels: Christian Living
posted by Graciana@Home at 8:31 am
Wednesday, September 5
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Such a good reading I do not want anyone to miss it. Poem
posted by Graciana@Home at 5:34 am
What dost thou wilt?
One often wishes for a thing without willing it.
Labels: Christian Living
posted by Graciana@Home at 4:03 am
Only in the school of faith I am lessoned in personal dealing with my God.
Labels: Christian Living
posted by Graciana@Home at 4:02 am
Tuesday, September 4
Commit your way to the LORD.Do not fret—it leads only to evil.Wait for the LORD and keep his way.Labels: Quotation
posted by Graciana@Home at 1:59 am
Sunday, September 2
How Does One Glorify and Enjoy God
The one way in which man can honour and enjoy GOD is through
faith.Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" (John11:40)Labels: Christian Living
posted by Graciana@Home at 5:12 pm
Saturday, September 1
Today HE Gave Me
Chocolatier Suisses. Ci L, from Switzerland.

An umbrella, soft purple and laced. SG, from somewhere it reminded her of me.
SG: 'I like it but I don't like it for me.' She likes it for me. =')
Labels: Love and Friendship
posted by Graciana@Home at 5:52 pm