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 Wednesday, June 28

Education of an architect

For fear whereby I will never harbor the knowledge of what is architecture, I began to read about these matters by Vitruvius, people entitle him the first architect. I hope by observing them I could teach myself how to evaluate works already bought into being and those yet to be. He laid out every set of principles for the discipline. Of the education, he said an architect’s expertise is enhanced by many disciplines and various sorts of specialized knowledge, all works executed using these skills are evaluated by a seasoned judgment. This expertise is born both of practice and of reasoning. Practice is the constant, repeated exercise of the hands by which a work is completed in whatever medium. Reasoning is what can demonstrate and explain the works skillfully and systematically. I don’t lack the education, but have to strive to obtain practical manual skills. To place my trust entirely in theories and writings seemed to be chasing after shadow, not something real. An architect must possess a native talent and be amenable to learning the disciplines. To be educated, he must be an experienced draftsman, well-versed in geometry, familiar with history, a diligent student of philosophy, know music, have some acquaintance with medicine, understand the rulings of legal experts, and have clear grasp of astronomy and the ways of heaven.

Here are his reasons why this should be so.

1. Letters.
So that he may strengthen his own memory by reading what has been written in the field. A certain fluency in literature to express his ideas.
2. Draftsmanship.
So that he can more easily use illustrated examples at will to represent the appearance of the work he proposes.
3. Geometry.
This offers many aids, hands down to the technique of compass and rule, enables on-site lay-out of plan , as well as placement of set-squares, levels, and lines. The difficult issues of symmetry are resolved by geometric principles and methods.
4. Arithmetic.
The expenses of building is totaled up, the principles of measurements are developed.
5. History.
A great deal of it. Architects often include ornaments in their work, he ought to be able to supply an explanation why certain motives were introduced.
6. Philosophy.
Completes the architect’s character. Instills the loftiness of spirit, so that he will not be arrogant, but rather tolerant, fair, trustworthy, and more important of all, free from greed. There is really no work that can truly be done without honesty and disinterestedness. Let him be not grasping, no fixing his minds on receiving rewards, but pay attention to protect and maintain his dignity. This discipline is a particular favourite, refers to the foundation and approach too.
7. Physiology.
It is necessary to know this subject thoroughly, for it has many and varied natural applications. It is like the matter of aqueducts. For natural water pressures differ, depending on whether one is dealing with swift downhill run, curvatures, or ascents up onto a gradual slope. No one can compensate for the impact of these pressures except someone who knows the basic facts of nature. Or of materials and their materiality.
8. Music.
To know mathematical principles of pitches, how space and elements affect sound to travel and reach ears clearer or more pleasant. In point of fact, it has nothing to do with knowing how to sing. =’(
9. Science of medicine.
Or climate, and the inclinations of it. And to know about airs, places which are healthful and disease ridden. For example the different applications of water.
10. Law.
This includes party walls, boundaries, courses of gutters and drainage, lighting, water supply. Indeed, architects must exercise a legislator’s care in their dealings both with contractors and with clients.
11. Astronomy.
East, west, north, and south. To understand the principle of sundial. The study of light and shadow is always enjoyable. =)

This just appears too incredible. >.<

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posted by Graciana@Home at 3:45 pm

What is architecture

Yesterday a friend at dinner asked, what is architecture? Predictable, no unruffled and fitting account was given. >.<

Architecture is design, it is a creative field. And it is about designing or creating spaces, in response to an existing set of conditions on hand. It is pitiful that not all architecture courses in universities educate students to create space, instead the schools teach to build buildings. In this manner, yes, surely the building still functions, whatever its purpose is, or the programmes are, like a house serves people to stay and live, with its living room, bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, etc; or school with classrooms and auditoriums, meeting rooms, libraries, etc. with the systems all working well: water, electricity, drainage, ventilation, etc; and with steady construction, safe and secure. Architecture is not merely that. I am appreciative that NUS is somewhat fairly adequate in addressing the vital issues of architecture, which are more than satisfying the purely functional requirements of a building programme.

One that is compatible, considerate to and also resourceful of the climatic: sun, wind, temperature, precipitation; and geographical: soils, topography, vegetation, water; context of the site and environment for protection and comfort and for the manifestation of beauty of nature and surroundings. Accordingly this needs uses of appropriate technology, construction system, and materials for structure and enclosure. It is sensitive as it examines qualities of light, the materials, colors, texture, views, sounds, smell, both apparent and obscure. The senses are celebrated. It has good comprehension of the order, hierarchy, organization between spaces, solids and voids, interiors and exteriors, of scales and proportions, shapes, that is geometry and its meanings; for all elements, from the configurations and dimensions of a path, a room or a plaza, to openings and edges, and also the detailing. All parts must make visible their coherent relationships to each other and structure as a whole. It does not only carry transient perceptual visions and feelings, but of a more enduring conceptual order. Knowledge which then is used to reveal and endorse in varying degrees the socio-culture, economy, politics, historical traditions and precedents, philosophy or way of life, beliefs, the nature of users, their personalities, aspirations, all aspects of needs and requirements. A piece of architecture is an experience through movements in time and physical space. Forms and spaces to promote endeavors, elicit responses; emotionally, as well as communicate meanings, make people see, feel, and think, and then remember or be reminded.

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posted by Graciana@Home at 10:50 am

Fear of the Lord

"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom." Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord?


posted by Graciana@Home at 7:56 am

 Monday, June 26


My heart is glad, YOU have not abandoned me to the grave, nor YOU will see YOUR holy one see decay. YOU have made known to me the path of life, YOU will fill me with joy of YOUR presence.



posted by Graciana@Home at 2:53 am

 Sunday, June 25

Life is to know GOD

"Now this is eternal life: that they may know YOU, the only true GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom YOU have sent." John17:3

"What were we made for? To know GOD. What aim we should have in life? To know GOD. What is the eternal life that Jesus gives? To know GOD. What is the best thing in life? To know GOD. What in man gives GOD most pleasure? Knowledge of HIMSELF." J.I. Packer


posted by Graciana@Home at 9:23 am

 Saturday, June 24

What is life

"I am the most ignorant of men, I do not have a man's understanding. I have not learnt wisdom, nor have I knowledge of the Holy One." Prov30:2-3

I do not know. What is this life? This life is beyond me, and of course is within me.


posted by Graciana@Home at 11:20 pm

 Friday, June 23


My return to Kpg was rather nostalgic. Back to the house one grew up, there were always familiar feelings. Every step took me back to what I did as a child, each corner of the house was recognizable and also there was this effortlessness and ease in going about it. Never I felt such a familiarity in Mlg, though the whole family has settled there for several years now.

Nothing much has changed in that town, it remains unaffected. I figure that’s how things are in a small town. Residences grow old, parents become aged and kids lead their own families, but the lifestyle stays. Along the streets of Chinatown I used to pass by everyday, folks still spend droopy late afternoons chit-chatting outside their shops with neighbours. Robustness was never the norm, people are content with the stationary day to day life, seemingly so unambitious to evolve.

Grappling with the past and its consequences has sobered my parents much. Being once very much caught up in politics led one easily live with minds habitually shady and crooked. People make mistakes. But as one finds truth, one learns to do things that are right and just and fair. For in everything at all, how can one do the right thing if one does not know what is right?

To meet with Sr. P again was uplifting. One of most memorable events in my childhood and teenage years were those days with her in convent as my mentor and the friendship fostered between us since then. She is not as agile as before, and lines of old begin to appear on her face, just as wisdom has added with her years. Blessed Mother had always been her comfort as she faced tumor two years ago and to lose a part of her body that identifies her as a woman was not easy. At times crucifixion was so real it was contemplation of Jesus’ cross that strengthened her. She soon must leave for another mission in Rome, and is still learning to let go what she has built from scratch and to trust God for others to be in the lead of the convent so precious to her.

Along my journey of friendship, among those who are dearest there were two middle-aged women. =P Beautiful and strange these friendships are.. =)


posted by Graciana@Home at 8:10 am

 Tuesday, June 6

And it is life of a beloved


posted by Graciana@Home at 1:58 pm

 Saturday, June 3

Learn how to live as He lived

Sometime ago I vowed to live life which is Christ Himself. Show me how to live this life.


posted by Graciana@Home at 4:19 am